I wanted to post some information on the importance of keeping cats indoors. There are many reasons why this is crucial, so I will touch on some here.
Often, “owned” or pet cats are allowed to roam outdoors. While dogs are unable to jump most fences, cats can.
They can get hit by a car or truck or bus, or bicycle, scooter, motorbike.
The cat can get into a fight with another cat - the other cat could be carrying disease such as feline leukemia which is passed on through deep bites.
The cat can ingest rat poison, antifreeze or other toxic substances. He or she may also find chicken bones, which can get lodged in their throat (I’ve seen this!) or can splinter inside their organs, causing damage.
Cats can run into loose dogs, raccoons and other wildlife that can put them in danger.
They can lose their way and get lost, and find themselves without food or water.
The cat can be a target for fleas, ticks and other parasites outdoors.
There are people who don’t like cats, who may abuse, kick or pour chemicals on your cat if he goes into someone’s garbage can or trespasses on their property. It happens. There are also extreme people who use cats as target practice with BB guns and crossbows, sad as it is. This is reality. Then there are individuals who pick up cats off the streets so they can torture and mutilate them. Look it up on Google, if you don’t believe me.
People search for friendly cats to use as bait in dog fighting. That is a violent thing for both the dogs and the “bait”, you don’t want your cat to find herself in that situation. Dog fighting is a felony - if you know of anyone engaging in this or even going as a spectator, please report to the authorities.
People become desperate for money, especially in light of COVID-19, and are stealing pets to sell to unsuspecting people or even for medical research.
Children can sometimes be cruel - when they see a stray cat, they may abuse the cat or tie a rubber band around its tail, which can lead to necrosis.
Another important reason not to allow cats outdoors is that they are natural hunters and they kill birds. Over the last three decades, three billion (3,000,000,000!!) birds have been lost. That is a staggering number of birds - one billion in ten years, 100 million each year - many birds die from cats, many die from hitting glass buildings, loss of habitat, and other reasons. So when you keep your cat indoors, you are also helping wild birds to survive.
There are many other dangers to cats being let outdoors. Cats are quite content living indoors, when their needs are met, and if you provide enrichment such as a cat tree or shelves on the wall they can climb and jump on. Provide a companion to a single cat. Open the windows for fresh air - cats love to sit at windows and sniff, and watch the birds, etc. I have heard cat guardians say “My cat insists on going outside” or “he is not happy being inside all the time”. You wouldn’t let your dog roam the neighborhood, or your toddler. Cats have the mentality of a three year old. So they do not need to roam, especially if your cat is not neutered or spayed.
Check out Jackson Galaxy’s (cat behavior expert, My Cat from Hell show) Youtube videos on letting cats outdoors. He recommends that if your cat wants to go out, use a correctly-fitting harness and leash, that you control, thereby keeping your cat safe. If your cat does not want to go outside, do not force him.
And if your cat goes missing, please post lots of flyers and check Lost & Found websites. Go out and call her/his name, bringing strong-smelling food with you; leave things with your scent outside your home so the cat can find her way back home. Make sure to microchip your pet, as there is a much better chance of reuniting with her that way. Hire a pet tracker or pet detective, if need be. Don’t give up; pray. Domestic cats don’t do well on the street, as feral cats do.