I wanted to post a blog here in hopes it can help other pets and their people. In short, my senior cat who is between 16 and 17 years old (I rescued her 9 years ago) has been having recurring urinary tract infections for about a year. She will suddenly go in and out of the litter box, repeatedly, and go in all three, as well as a cardboard box which my other cat plays in, and she will have scant amounts of urine come out. It must be uncomfortable, if not painful for her, and is very upsetting to me. I was taking her to the vet (from Bronx to Manhattan on subway) where she would get the cystocentesis ( a needle to extract urine) which is stressful for her, then wait a week for the results. Then go back to the vet to pick up the appropriate antibiotics, then give her the antibiotics twice a day for a whole month, which made her salivate excessively. When the course was over, do it all over again with a different antibiotic when it was not resolved, and when it appeared to be over, it would come back again shortly after. The conventional vet said “try a different litter”, which i didn’t think would solve the problem. My homeopathic veterinarian didn’t know what to do, at one point; I felt really on my own with this.

So I looked in Dr. Richard Pitcairn’s book, Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, to see what relief I could give Linda. In the book, there are various ailments listed with the author’s (a retired respected homeopathic veterinarian) recommendations on which homeopathic remedy to try based on the symptoms. He says if one doesn’t work, try another one, and he instructs on the frequency. One of the remedies looked like the right one for Linda’s specific symptoms, which I had in my drawer, (Mercurius Solubulis) and I gave it to Linda, and then told my homeopathic veterinarian what I did. She replied that if this remedy does not help her, to try Mercurius Corrosivus 30c (Note: this was specified for my cat; your cat or dog, horse, or ferret, may need a different remedy.) The first one did not help her, but the Merc Corr did! No more was Linda constantly in and out of the litter box - now there were streams of urine. I was thrilled, and relieved, of course. The symptom came back, maybe 2 months later, but again Merc Corr 30c provided the solution. No more schlepping Linda on the subway to the vet, and stressing her with the procedures, the waiting, the antibiotics which I don’t like to use (they suppress the symptoms and can actually make things worse; they weaken the immune system and destroy both good and bad bacteria in the gut). Update: October 2024 - Linda has not had a UTI in years. **An important thing to note is that cats need wet/canned food and/or raw homemade food - a dry food only diet exacerbates urinary tract infections and in males, can actually cause a fatal blockage! (Please see my post on the importance of a wet food diet)

Thus, (this wasn’t so short after all), for any of you who have a similar issue going on, and not just UTIs, but other illnesses, injuries and even behavior problems, homeopathy is a wonderful way to treat your pet, with no side effects, less stress and worry, and is even more economical. One bottle costs about $7 (can be found at health food stores, Whole Foods, Fairway and online). I have been using homeopathic medicine for my pets since 1998, with very good results, in all kinds of illnesses, including kidney and liver disease; homeopathy can even help cancer patients.

***Please consult with a practicing classical homeopathic veterinarian! Each pet is different in their background, symptoms, age, so that the vet needs to prescribe the correct homeopathic medicine for your pet. The above specific medicine helped MY cat and MAY NOT help yours. You don’t even need to bring your pet in, but can do it over the phone! How easy is that.

***Please email me if you have questions about this. I cannot respond to comments attached here - use my business email. Thanks for reading, and I hope your pets are helped by this.