How to Prevent Pulling on Leash

Walking tips: Front-attachment harnesses, such as Easy Walk, and the head halter , Gentle Leader, are very good tools for dogs who pull on the leash. They are humane and make walking your dog easier and more enjoyable. When your dog starts to pull, a gentle tug of the leash turns their head toward you and in the direction you want to go. When the leash is attached to the front of harness, it also is easier on your dog’s body as it does not cause stress on the neck and spine, as well as the trachea when attached to a collar.

You can make your dog pay attention to you on a walk by using food rewards. Instead of “Max” or “Lassie” charging ahead and ignoring you, your dog will learn to sit on command and look back at you often, when you stop for obedience breaks with special food or dog treats.